About Josie Warren
For much of her young adult life, Josie Warren struggled with autoimmune disorders, severe food allergies, a debilitating eating disorder anorexia, alcoholism, ADD, and anxiety and depression.
She was told by her medical doctors that each of her diagnoses was lifelong and that she just needed to manage them the best she could for the rest of her life. Josie felt crushed, like a lost cause and there was really no hope for her. She was only in her twenties – these were supposed to be the best years of her life.
Fortunately, Josie was on a quest for answers and had a lightning bolt awareness- the emotional stress in her life had unknowingly created all her illnesses. The good news was she could do something about her stress.
From this shift in awareness, she knew she could change her relationship to stress. As she began to realize that her illnesses were in her control, in less than two months, all her symptoms dissolved and faded away.
Seven years later, Josie is 100 percent healthy and no longer has any of her former conditions. “I feel fully alive not just surviving.” She is passionate and excited about sharing what saved her life with others.
Josie knows in her heart that it is her calling to be a beacon of light to show the world that there is another way, that true healing is possible.