About Venchele Saint Dic
Venchele Saint Dic is the author of Journey to Redemption and Faith in the Amazon bestselling book, Passport to Self-Discovery Volume 2. She is working on her DrPH which is a doctorate in Public Health Leadership. Venchele is also the founder of MESFAMI Care Inc.
She has demonstrated leadership and innovation in public health, health equity, communications, public outreach, social inclusion, and diversity, plus many others. Her writing includes subjects on public health, resilience, communication skills, assertiveness, personal development, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, travel, community health, mental health, relationships, culture, race, customer service, and health systems. She has articles published in the The Good Men Project, The National Medical Association, Harness Magazine, YMK The Creative Guru, Black News, The Minority Business Finance Scoop, The Above Ground Railroad, BlackOwnedandOperated, Greater Diversity News, Southeast Queens Scoop, BlackNewsZone, The Peace Corps Press Release, DMV Daily, BlackState, Thrive Global, Gratitude Circle, Medium, LinkedIn, and the newsletter of Peace Corps Sengal, Simmons College, and Friends of the Library Montgomery County.