Are you or someone you know struggling with hair loss? In this powerful episode of the Find Your Leadership Confidence Podcast, host Vicki Noethling speaks with Lauriann Greene, a dedicated hair loss coach and multi-published medical researcher, who has spent over 40 years studying women’s hair loss. Having personally experienced the emotional toll of hair loss caused by a scalp disease, Lauriann understands the devastating impact it can have on self-confidence. During the interview, she shares valuable insights into why women lose their hair, the emotional effects, and why it’s still such a taboo topic. Lauriann also breaks down the common myths around hair growth products and explains the holistic techniques she incorporates into her transformative coaching program, Hair Loss Heroines. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation full of evidence-based information and practical advice.

Keywords: women’s hair loss, hair loss coaching, female confidence, holistic wellness, hair growth solutions, emotional effects of hair loss

Visit Lauriann’s site to learn more.

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